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League News

2025 Tryouts

By Nancy Lovato 01/05/2025, 12:00pm MST

Saturday, March 8

Here's what you need to know about tryouts. 

When: Saturday, March 8

Where: Taylorsville High School gym -- 5225 S Redwood Rd, Taylorsville, UT 84123

Who DOES NOT need to go to tryouts: 

  • Single-A tee ball players
  • Single-A coach pitch players
  • 16-18 year olds (these players will be contacted by a coach  or board member directly)
  • Players who are returning to the team they were on last year
  • Players who have been "optioned" by a coach (a coach has directly contacted the player to play on their team


 Who DOES need to go to tryouts:

  • 6 OR 7 Year olds that wanna play up in Double AA
  • Players who are new to the league
  • Those who are moving up to a different division (e.g., from Single-A to AA; AA to Majors or AAA; Majors to Babe Ruth)

What happens if you miss tryouts:

If you miss tryouts, you will be placed "in the hat," meaning you will be picked for a team randomly. NOTE: Tryouts are required to be drafted for a Majors team. 

What to bring: A hat, mitt, and helmet. (Extras will be available.) No cleats allowed. 

What time is tryouts:

Please arrive 15 minutes before your start time to warm up. 

9:00 am – 13-15 year olds
10:30 am – 12 year olds
11:00 am – 11 year olds
11:45 am – 10 year olds
12:30 pm – 9 year olds
1:15 pm – 8 year olds
2:00 pm – 6-7 year olds (those trying out for AA)

What is my child's "baseball age?" 

We follow Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken age charts